Friday, 5 February 2016

Denis Vincent Helicopter & airplane pilot in Denis Vincent Quebec

Denis Vincent is known in Quebec and Canada as a businessman with a diversified portfolio. He has worked extensively in more than three industries, and yet, some people just know him as Denis Vincent Helicopter pilot. Denis has an immense passion for the world of aviation, which forced him to reflect at the way he was handling his career in the early 90s. He soon trained to become a pilot himself, and today, he has more than 9300 TT to his credit as of 2014. In fact, he has flown from coast to coast in Canada, with one mono motor flight from Quebec to Madagascar. 

Denis is also the owner of Heli Vincent, which is a known company that specializes with sales and dry leasing of airplanes and helicopters. In the last few years, Denis has been working on new plans for the aviation sector, and when you ask him more and he says that there will be formal announcements made soon. He insists that his passion for the aviation industry has brought him where he is today in his career.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Denis Vincent hélicoptère | Denis Vincent Helicopter pilote

Il est rare de trouvez un entrepreneur qui a le temps pour d'autres choses que des affaires. Denis Vincent du Canada est certainement l'un de ces noms rares. Peu de gens savent que derrière l’entrepreneur, il est aussi un pilote d'hélicoptère depuis longtemps. Il est un pilote formé d’hélicoptère et d'avion, et a volé d’une côte à l’autre dans différentes parties du Canada. Il est aussi très généreux a partager ses expériences, via blog où il a écrit ces histoires.

Hors la passion du vol et de l'écriture, Denis Vincent Québec est également connu pour être un entrepreneur aux multiples visages. Il a beaucoup travaillé dans les industries variées, y compris la location de main-d'œuvre et l'exploitation minière, et à partir de 2000, il a été un acteur majeur et important dans le monde de l'immobilier. En fait, il a été à l'origine de nombreuses fusions et acquisitions dans le monde de l'immobilier, et sa passion pour générer de nouvelles références continue. Denis est également impliqué activement dans la société Strong Arm Labour & Contracting, où il travaille en tant que exécutif financier (CFO). Simultanément il soutien activités commerciales de sa propre entreprise- Heli Vincent inc.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Find Some Fun Facts About Denis Vincent Helico

Denis Vincent is among the best known and loved businessmen in Quebec, Canada. Despite so many different efforts to drag his name through the mud, he is well recognized in the business arena for his passion and unique way of conducting business. Unlike many of his contemporaries, his resources starting out were quite limited. However, developing a sound profile in sales, he managed to launch his own company in dry leasing and sales of planes and helicopters. It is this success that gave him the name ‘Denis Vincent Helico. In fact, not many people are aware of the fact that Denis is a trained pilot himself, and as his hobby, he likes to fly coast to coast in Canada and beyond.

Denis is a man of many endeavors. Beyond aviation he has been extensively involved in the real estate world, and since 2000, he has been associated with a number of mergers and acquisitions in Quebec alone. He is also involved in labour leasing for the mining industries.. In his free time, he is partnering with a few charities or likes to discuss the projects in the pipeline that which have a promising outlook for the future.  

More about Denis Vincent or his company visit below:



Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Denis Vincent - Strong Arm Labour Force

Denis started off his career working for others, with an interest to one day become an entrepreneur. He soon started his own ventures, and since developed a fascination for the world of aviation. In less than 10 years of his career, precisely in 1997, he launched Heli Vincent Inc.  A company specialized in dry lease and sales of airplanes and helicopters for now almost two decades. Many people also know Denis as a trained pilot with an intense passion for flying. He spends most of the spare time flying coast to coast within Canada, documenting his discoveries as he goes to later share them on his personal blog.

Apart from his love for the aviation industry, Denis is also associated with a number of other things, including real estate. He started off his passion with real estate in the year 2000, and since then he has been a major player  behind many mergers and acquisitions. He is also actively involved in many projects and his peers and industry like to take his view on various matters, completely for his sheer instincts. Also, Denis is involved in labor leasing in the mining industry, and acts as chief financial officer for Strong Arm Labour & Contracting. His work is all about clean deals, better advise and unparalleled consulting, which ensures growth for the company and the entire industry.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Denis Vincent Airplane pilote in Canada

Denis Vincent Helico is not just a big time expert of many industries, but he has also been a airplane pilot since 1996. For close to twenty years, he has been flying helicopters and has accumulated over 9300 TT. He has flown to some of the best parts of Canada, and in his free time, he writes about his journeys on his blog. In fact, traveling remains one of his most craved passions. He has also been in charge of transatlantic flights, one mono motor flight from Quebec to Madagascar. His blogs often describes his stories and has pictures of him and his team having plenty of fun. 

If you look for Denis Vincent Quebec Helico, you will find that apart from being a part of the aviation industry in his own ways, he is also involved in a number of other big projects. He is the Chief Financial Officer of the Strong Arm Labour & Contracting company, which has been operating in the industry for some time now. Expertise of Vincent also spreads into the mining industry, and since January 1997, he is serving as the president of Heli Vincent inc. he has worked on sales and leasing, and his work is esteemed and followed by many, not just in Quebec but also in other parts of Canada and US.