Thursday, 25 August 2016

Denis Vincent - Les travaux actuels et récents

Denis est aussi à la tête de Strong Arm Labour & Contracting à titre ‘‘Chief Financial Officer’’ depuis 2011. Ces derniers temps, il a également aventuré dans des projets immobiliers, dont certains sont les plus grands dans l'ensemble du pays. Il a travaillé avec des investisseurs et de nombreuses autres parties pour développer l'immobilier dans le pays, principalement dans la région de Québec. Son travail a fait sa réputation dans les plus grands projets au Canada.

Denis a été un homme d’affaires très discret, mais pendant son temps libre, il aime avoir plusieurs loisirs. Il aime prendre son hélicoptère, d'un océan à l'autre dans différentes régions du Canada, et a pris en charge un vol entre le Québec à Madagascar. Il a également été en charge de deux vols transatlantiques. En fait, sa passion pour le vol est la raison pour laquelle Helico a été largement impliquée dans la vente et la location d'hélicoptères et d'avions. Il est également friand de l'écriture et passe son temps a partager ses voyages dans de blog. Il aime écrire sur différents aspects des entreprise, mais la plupart du temps, il écrit sur ses magnifiques excursions dans les plus grandes régions du Canada.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Why Denis Vincent remains a man defining real success!

Only a few stories qualify to be called a success. If you are a business enthusiast or have an entrepreneurial bend of mind, there are some amazing and inspiring stories that must be known. In case you are in Quebec and Canada, one name that mat pop up for the right reasons is that of Denis Vincent. As one of the leading businessmen in Quebec today, Denis has come a long way since he started. In this post, we will talk of some of the real aspects of this man, his passions and the things that truly make him a special man.

A smaller start

 When Denis started off, he worked as a sales executive with Moto Bateau for good five years. In these initial years of hard word, he found immense passion for business and the job allowed him to peep deep in the customer-business relationship. He continued to work in sales for next 10 years, and during this time, he was immensely pleased by the opportunities that lied ahead of him. On being asked in an interview about his experience of working with others, he had said, ‘I am a man of many experienced, and each one has made me what I am today”.

Love for aviation

Denis always had his on the flying sector, and to this date, he admits that he still wants to do more for the industry. In 1997, he started off Heli Vincent Inc in Alberta, Canada, which remains a reputable name in sales and dry leasing of helicopter and airplanes. The company remains close to his heart, and Denis admits that there were many other options, but he chose this industry out of passion. He also added in a talk that aviation has given him the passion to move ahead in other directions.

Not many people know that Denis is also a helicopter & airplane pilot, and he has been flying since 1996. As of 2014, he has accumulated over 9300 TT, which is kind of feat in itself. In fact, apart from flying in most parts of Canada and has also taken 2 transatlantic flights and even one mono motor flight Quebec to Madagascar.

Entry in real estate

Denis also found his passion for the real estate industry in 2000, and it was then he started working on development projects, and he continued in it for a long time. In fact, his name has been associated with some of the biggest mergers and acquisitions of many companies. In this industry, he was also mowed with questions regarding some projects, and he summed it up in one line –“Controversies keep me strong. After all, things are often tough, and that’s when we need to rise”.

Apart from real estate, Denis also works as the Chief Financial Officer for Strong Arm Labour & Contracting and has been with the company for close to five years offering his insights and views. With so much on offer, no wonder Denis is looking for the sky next!

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

How he deals with controversies- knowing Denis Vincent!

Denis Vincent is a businessman and has a story that might inspire many. Starting at a young age, Denis worked for others for a very long time. He worked with a number of companies for years, but soon he found that his real passion lied in business. He started off Heli Vincent Inc. – A company that mainly works with sales and leasing of helicopter and airplanes. Soon after, he moved to real estate, and that’s when he made some real enemies. His name was unnecessarily included in a number of different controversies, and his response has been humble in many ways.

In a recent interview, he was asked about these different things being said about him, to which he said, “I believed in business, I believed in Canada and Quebec, and I just work for that.” He also was quick to add that he doesn’t fall for these baits, because his work is not just for profits, but also to help others in the long run. He added that he has plans to move to other industries real soon, mainly because he doesn’t believe in stagnating in just one kind of work. He has also assured of his work with Strong Arm Contracting.

Friday, 5 August 2016

Trouver l'histoire à succès de Denis Vincent du Canada

Si vous êtes un jouer régulier du monde des affaires du Canada, plus précisément Québec, vous avez peut être entendue le nom de Denis Vincent.  Étant un des grands nom dans plusieurs industries, Denis as parcourue beaucoup de chemin ces dernières années. Pour débuter, il n'as pas toujours eu les luxes qui peux se féliciter a l'heure actuelle, ce qui fait son histoire plus que jamais encore plus intéressante. Denis as travailler comme Directeur des ventes pour un bon nombre d'années avant d'oser franchir le saut. Depuis sa tendre enfance, il as toujours eu un penchant pour le monde d'aviation et as toujours souhaiter faire quelque chose dans ce domaine.  

En moins de dix ans après avoir commencer sa carrière, il as ouvert Heli Vincent Inc. qui porte principalement les ventes et location-sec d'hélicoptères ainsi que d'avions.  Il as toujours été concentrer sur son travail, toute en s'assurant que ses clients obtiennent les soins et l'attention que sa compagnie offrait. Dans les années suivant, les gens commençait a connaître Denis Vincent pour son travail exceptionnel dans l'immobilier. D'ailleurs il as jouer un rôle clé parmi les plus grosses fusions,  ce qui as engendrée quelques controverses.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Denis Vincent Of Calgary - The Passion Of An Entrepreneur

If you search for some of the prolific names in the areas of Calgary and Quebec, a name that will repeatedly surface is that of Denis Vincent. He is one of the most known names in Canada and is extremely appreciated for his hard work. Starting off with a very modest but genuine background, Denis has carved a name for himself in all the industries he has been dealing with. After working in P.R.C.S. construction insulation early on, he went on to be the president of Heli Vincent inc. – a company that deals exclusively in sales and leasing of helicopters and airplanes.

He has also been serving as the chief financial officer of the much-acclaimed company - Strong Arm Labour & Contracting, and his counterparts and peers alike revere his work. His love for flying is not merely limited to his company Heli Vincent, but also from a personal achievement as a trained and recognized Helicopter & airplane pilot since 1996. He has taken his experiences from one coast of Canada to another, and for many people, Denis Vincent Calgary stands for passion and love for his work. He is also extensively involved in the world of real estate.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Trouver Quelques faits amusants sur Denis Vincent Helico

Denis Vincent est parmi les hommes d'affaires les plus connus et les plus appréciés au Québec, Canada. Malgré tant d'efforts pour salir son nom, il est bien reconnu dans le monde des affaires pour sa passion et sa façon unique de faire les affaires. Contrairement à beaucoup de ses contemporains, dans ses débuts ses ressources étaient assez limitées. Toutefois, ayant fait son nom en en vente, il a réussi à lancer sa propre entreprise dans la location et la vente d’avions et d’hélicoptères. C’est ce succès qui lui a donné le nom de Denis Vincent Helico ". En fait, peu de gens sont conscients du fait que Denis est un pilote formé lui-même, et que son passetemps préférer est de voler d’un océan à l'autre au Canada et au-delà.

Denis est un homme de plusieurs initiatives. Au-delà de l'aviation, il a été largement impliqué dans le monde de l'immobilier, et depuis 2000, il a été associé à un certain nombre important de fusions et d’acquisitions au Québec. Il est également impliqué dans la location de main-d'œuvre pour les industries minières. Dans son temps libre, il est en partenariat avec quelques organismes de bienfaisance et aime discuter de projets a l’agenda qui assurerons des perspectives d’avenir prometteuses.