Thursday, 27 April 2017

Denis Vincent de Calgary - Le pilote d'hélicoptère

Denis Vincent est un entrepreneur Canadien et hommes d'affaires réputé. Beaucoup connaisse Denis Vincent Calgary pour son travail remarquable qui c'étends a travers des secteurs différents. Contrairement a d'autres, il n'avait pas tous les richesses au début de sa carrière. Pendant longtemps il as travailler dans les ventes et as trouver grand succès dans ses projets. Cependant, il était d'avantage intéresser dans l'aviation, qui demeure aujourd'hui sa vrai passion. Renommé parmi ses amis et collègues en tant que pilote d'hélicoptère et d'avions qualifier depuis 1996, Denis a plus de 14,000 TT a son actif et ce nombre continue d'accroitre.  Sur le plan professionnel, il es connue pour sa compagnie - Heli Vincent Inc, qui consiste de ventes et locations d'avions ainsi que d'hélicoptères.

Quand il n'est pas a travailler, Denis aime piloter au Canada et au-delà, et en peu de temps as réalisées plusieurs exploits. Denis est un homme discret aux valeurs fortes. Pendant que ses adversaires parle de lui en mal, il préfère maintenir la discrétion. Il aime alterner son temps entre sa famille et le travail et travail avec plusieurs organismes de bienfaisance. Au cours de l'un des rares entretiens, il as déclarer qu'au delà du travail il ne prendre pas un ton sérieux, rajoutant que les controverses l'on jamais embêter. Son équipe se rencontre souvent pour des réunions internes, ainsi que des ateliers pour  discuter de différentes façons de faire et d'aider les entrepreneurs potentiels dans leur projets.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Denis Vincent Canada and his love for flying

Denis Vincent knew that he wanted to do more than just sales. He started training as an airplane and helicopter pilot, since he was interested in aviation for a very long time. He has been flying since 1996. In 1997, he launched his company Heli Vincent Inc., which mainly deals in sales and leasing of helicopter and airplanes. He works as the president of the company and shifts his work between Alberta, British Columbia, and Quebec. In many of his candid interviews, he has talked about his struggles with the company and how he has turned tables in just two decades. He has also expressed his interest in taking the business ahead, as aviation has incredible potential. Besides working, he loves to fly, and that’s his only indulgence. When he is not busy with projects, he likes to fly coast to coast in Canada and has over 14,000 TT to his credit.


In 2000, Denis started working on real estate development projects. He has been a strong force behind some of the major mergers and acquisitions. He still works for real estate, but with different interests. He is also the chief financial officer for Strong Arm Labour & Contracting. He has been working with the company since November 2011. Denis is also actively involved in charity and likes to pledge for many social causes.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Canadian Entrepreneur And Business Expert – Denis Vincent

Some stories inspire people to do better. If you are a budding entrepreneur or someone who is looking for ways to expand his career, you should read the story of Denis Vincent. Counted among the best-known entrepreneurs in Canada, Denis has come a long way in the last 35 years. His career redefines the basics of struggle because nothing stopped him from achieving what he always wanted. In this post, we will know Denis better and why he is highly regarded by his team, peers, colleagues and customers alike.  

After completing his studies, Denis started his career with P.R.C.S. construction insulation. He worked there as an administrator and overlooked many aspects of the business for one year. In 1984, Denis began his journey in sales with Moto Bateau. He specialized boat and motorcycle sales and aftermarket services for the company and continued to serve his post for five years. During this period, he realized his passion for business and started working as an individual. He worked for different clients and companies for the next one year, mainly focusing on auto sales. He also specialized in international sales, mostly in regions of Asia and Russia.

Friday, 21 April 2017

Sneak-peek in the life of businessman Denis Vincent

Some people manage to do extraordinary things in ordinary situations. They have the power to explore beyond the obvious, and they always know that hard work will pay off. One of the best known Canadian businessmen Denis Vincent also has a similar story. Denis, who started in sales they always know that hard work will pay off at an early age, didn’t have anything but a passion for doing something more than just a job. Within ten years of starting his career, Denis began his business journey and found a niche in the tough industry of aviation. He was always interested in aviation and wanted to do something that would help the industry. Besides training as a pilot, he also worked to start his own company – Heli Vincent, which mainly deals in different kinds of sales and leases for airplanes and helicopters. 


Denis knew that the business world is vast, and he never wanted to stick to one genre. In 2000, he began working for real estate projects, and his name has been associated with some of the biggest mergers in the region of Alberta, British Columbia and Quebec. When Denis is not working, he is often working with local charities, which is one of his other passions.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Denis Vincent - Un pilote d'helicpotere et un entrepreneur

Vous aimer le monde des affaires ? Vous ne savez pas ou commencer ? Vous n'avez pas les moyens ? Bien, tous ce que vous avez besoin c'est d'une bonne idée accompagniez de la volonté de travailler avec ardeur. Denis Vincent, connu surtout comme l'un des meilleur entrepreneur du Quebec, as une histoire qui va vous inspirer. Malgré le fait que Denis a débuter dans les ventes et y a travailler dans l'industrie pour plus d'une décennie, les gens le reconnaissent comme Denis Vincent, le pilote d'hélicoptère. En plus d'avoir lancé sa compagnie en moins d'une décennie d'avoir commencer a travailler, il s'est aventurer dans plusieurs autres secteurs d'activités.


Denis adore piloter, et est un pilote qualifier depuis 1996. Mise a part l'aviation, il est impliquer activement dans l'immobilier et a accomplie avec certaines clients et compagnies d'envergures des fusions et acquisitions importante. Son travail  débordant le pousse a ses passions, et il est associer a de nombreuses entreprises. Il aime procurer des conseils et des suggestions au jeunes entrepreneurs et organise fréquemment des ateliers pour aider les amateurs d'affaires.  Denis est bien aimer et également apprécier pour son coté généreux, notamment en raison du temps consacrer a divers organismes de bienfaisances.  Demander vous s'il prends du temps pour lui-même ? "Tant que je travail et que je trouve le temps de voler, je crois être bien heureux avec la vie en générale", a t'il répondue. 

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Denis Vincent Canada and his aviation journey

Denis Vincent always had an interest in the airline industry. He often takes about the potential of this particular industry in Canada. However, he chose to start his journey in aviation at a personal level. His close friends and colleagues know him as Denis Vincent helicopter pilot. Yes, you read that right! Denis is trained helicopter & airplane pilot since 1996, and as of now, he had accumulated over 14,000 TT. When he is not busy with his work, he likes to fly. Apart from taking his trips from coast to coast in Canada, he has also been in charge of two transatlantic flights. Soon after, Denis started his company - Heli Vincent Inc. The company mainly deals in dry lease and sales of helicopter and airplanes and operates in parts of Alberta, Quebec and British Columbia. The firm remains extremely close to Denis, who takes a personal interest in most of the management tasks.

Denis started taking an interest in real estate development projects in 2000. He has been phenomenal in his choice of projects and has been a leading force behind some of the biggest mergers and acquisitions of different companies. He still continues to pursue his passion for the industry in different capacities. Besides everything else, Denis is also associated with Strong Arm Labour & Contracting, where he works as the chief financial officer. He has been working with the company for almost five years now and has a keen interest in developing the sector.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Denis Vincent From Calgary - the Canadian Businessman

If you are someone in the aviation and real sector of Canada, you have probably heard about Denis Vincent. One of the most prolific entrepreneurs, Denis has come a long way since he started his career in 1984. For close to a decade, he worked in sales, simply because he was interested in starting his own company. Denis eventually found his calling in aviation and launched Heli Vincent Inc, which deals in dry leasing and sales of aircrafts. Many people also know him as Denis Vincent helicopter pilot, because he loves to fly.

Denis is also known for his work in the real estate sector. Despite all the false things that his enemies have said about him, Denis continues to work for projects in the real estate industry and has many potential projects to his credit. He is also known for his work with Strong Arm Labour & Contracting. He has been serving as the chief financial officer of the company since 2011. With so many different interests, how does he even manage to toggle between his work and personal life?

Monday, 17 April 2017

Denis Vincent From Canada – The Helicopter Pilot

Denis Vincent is a celebrated Canadian entrepreneur and businessman. Many people know Denis Vincent Canada for his amazing work, which spans across different sectors. Unlike many others, he didn’t have all the luxuries at the start of his career. He worked in sales for a very long time and found great success in his endeavors. He was more interested in aviation, which remains his passion to date. He is famed among his friends and colleagues as an experienced helicopter & airplane pilot and has been flying since 1996. In fact, Denis has around 14,000 TT and counting. On the professional front, he is known for his company - Heli Vincent Inc, which mainly deals in sales and leasing of airplanes and helicopters.


When he is not working, he likes to fly in Canada and beyond and has achieved great feats in a short time. Denis is also media shy. While his enemies and rivals talk bad about him, he prefers to keep it low. He likes to divide his time between his family and work and has been working with many charities. In a rare interview, he has said that he doesn’t take anything beyond work on a serious note, adding that controversies never bothered him. His team often talks about different ways to do business and organizes in-house meetings and workshops to help budding entrepreneurs with their endeavors.

Friday, 14 April 2017

Denis Vincent from Quebec Helico - An incredible story

Denis Vincent is a prolific businessman from Canada. Known for his contribution to a number of sectors, Denis has a career that spans over three decades. While he was initially interested in sales and aftermarket services, he was soon charmed by the aviation industry. Within ten years of starting his job life, he founded his company – Heli Vincent Inc., which deals in dry lease and sales of helicopters and airplanes. Today, many people know him as Denis Vincent Quebec Helico, simply because of his passion for the industry and his company.

Besides these two industries, he is also involved with Strong Arm Labour & Contracting as the chief financial officer. In many of his interviews, he has mentioned his desire to explore more avenues. He also encouraged young entrepreneurs to take up their business dreams, assuring them of help and guidance as needed. Denis loves the whole idea of making something new and adding value to different sectors. Like many others in the business world, he wants to create more opportunities for job seekers in various industries. Besides number crunching and profits, Denis loves to work with charities and enjoys flying his chopper once in a while. 

Thursday, 13 April 2017

L'entrepreneur canadien Denis Vincent vit son rêve d'aviation

Beaucoup de gens au Canada et aux États-Unis connaissent Denis Vincent comme un entrepreneur et quelqu'un qui sait comment faire de l'argent. Cependant, Denis est beaucoup plus que cela, et son parcours continue à inspirer plusieurs. Denis a travaillé avec de nombreuses industries, y compris l'immobilier et l'exploitation minière, mais ce qui lui tient à coeur est l'aviation. Dès son plus jeune âge, il était intrigué par l'idée de voler. Après avoir travaillé dans les ventes pendant de nombreuses années, il a commencé à être former en tant que pilote, et depuis, c’est resté la seule passion où il se soucie moins de la dépense.

Il est aussi un pilote expérimenté lui-même, et c’est devenu sa passion la plus profonde. Il ajoute qu'il passe ses journées à travailler sur des projets, en prenant souvent une journée de congé à voler autour de la côte. Lorsqu'il est interrogé sur ses projets futurs, il promet de nombreux développements importants, assurant que son équipe fera des annonces bientôt. Denis demeure parmi les plus grands philanthropes de sa région et il a travaillé avec de nombreuses institutions charitables. Le succès ne doit pas être pris pour acquis, et Denis le prouve à sa façon. Ses nombreuses réalisations sont toujours mises en vedette, mais Denis préfère rester très discret.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Knowing Denis Vincent – An entrepreneur with many credits

Entrepreneurs often see success in their products and profits. Success is never an ‘absolute’ term, because it can mean so many things at the same time. If you are a budding entrepreneur or businessman, you need to read the success story of Denis Vincent – a well-known Canadian entrepreneur and philanthropist. Denis is known for his amazing journey, which is full of hiccups, exceptional hard work, and incredible twists. In this particular post, we will try to unleash the man behind this entrepreneur, and you can be assured of finding some awesome and inspiring ideas. 

Denis Vincent Canada was very young when he decided to make his name in the world of business. Unlike many of his peers in the industry today, he was not born with a silver spoon. He knew that if he wanted to start his business, he would have to learn things from scratch. Denis began his career in 1983 with P.R.C.S. construction insulation. He worked with the company for a year, before moving to sales. For the next five years, he continued his job with Moto Bateau, where he learned many things about boat and motorcycle sales. He was also actively involved in aftermarket services. Denis knew that his career in sales could give him good exposure, and he chose to work in private. From 1989 to 1999, he focused on auto sales & word wide exportation, mainly in regions of Asia and Russia.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Une passion - Denis Vincent

Peu de gens savent que Denis est un pilote formé et a accumulé plus de 9300 TT jusqu’en 2014. Il a volé d’un côté du pays à l'autre, et souvent il partage s’est expériences de vol en rapportant ses voyages sur son blog. Malgré le fait qu'il a trouvé le succès rapidement dans cette industries, il choisi d'aller de l'avant et s’est lancé dans le monde de l'immobilier en 2000. Depuis lors, il a joué un rôle important dans plusieurs fusions et acquisitions dans la région et il continue à innover dans le milieu. Dans une récente entrevue, Denis dit que le Québec a le potentiel d’être un des géants de l'immobilier et il met tous les efforts pour réaliser cet objectif.

Peu de gens savent que Denis est un pilote formé et a accumulé plus de 9300 TT jusqu’en 2014. Il a volé d’un côté du pays à l'autre, et souvent il partage s’est expériences de vol en rapportant ses voyages sur son blog. Malgré le fait qu'il a trouvé le succès rapidement dans cette industries, il choisi d'aller de l'avant et s’est lancé dans le monde de l'immobilier en 2000. Depuis lors, il a joué un rôle important dans plusieurs fusions et acquisitions dans la région et il continue à innover dans le milieu. Dans une récente entrevue, Denis dit que le Québec a le potentiel d’être un des géants de l'immobilier et il met tous les efforts pour réaliser cet objectif.

Denis Vincent - Un homme d'affiares avec de nombreuses réalisations

La réussite en affaires s'équivaux souvent aux profits. Par contre, pas tous les entrepreneurs pense de la même façon, Denis en est un qui pense différemment. Un homme d'affaires des plus suivi et révérer au Canada - Denis Vincent de loin depuis les derniers trois décennies. Contrairement a beaucoup d'autres, il n'est pas né avec les richesses. Il était cependant déterminer de changer sa vie et de ceux proches de lui. En un peu plus de trente ans, Denis est parvenu a ce créer un profile qui parle au-delà des chiffres. Dans cet article, nous allons parler de cet homme et de son parcours incroyable. 

Denis Vincent a débuter sa carrière professionnel en 1983 avec une la firme P.R.C.S. Construction Isolation. Il y as travailler pendant un an en tant qu'administrateur. Durant cette période, il as été séduit par l'idée de commencer sa propre compagnie. Toutefois avant d'entreprendre ce plongeon, il voulait s'assurer de bien assimiler le monde des affaires et ces complications potentielles. Donc, il est entrer dans le domaine des ventes et les services après-vente. Il as travailler pendant cinq dans la ventes de motos et de bateaux pour la firme Moto Bateau, d'ou il as pris connaissance des astuces du métier. Par la suite, il est passer au ventes d'automobiles et l'exportation mondiale, surtout dans les régions de la Russie et de l'Asie. Denis a continuer de travailler dans ce domaine pour tout près de dix ans, mais pendant ces années de travail quelque chose de plus magique c'est passer.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Denis Vincent from Calgary – The Entrepreneur With Many Wings

Denis Vincent is a celebrated Canadian entrepreneur and businessman. Many people know Denis Vincent Calgary for his amazing work, which spans across different sectors. Unlike many others, he didn’t have all the luxuries at the start of his career. He worked in sales for a very long time and found great success in his endeavors. He was more interested in aviation, which remains his passion to date. He is famed among his friends and colleagues as an experienced helicopter & airplane pilot and has been flying since 1996. In fact, Denis has around 14,000 TT and counting. On the professional front, he is known for his company - Heli Vincent Inc, which mainly deals in sales and leasing of airplanes and helicopters.

Denis is also known for his work in the real estate sector. Despite all the false things that his enemies have said about him, Denis continues to work for projects in the real estate industry and has many potential projects to his credit. He is also known for his work with Strong Arm Labour & Contracting. He has been serving as the chief financial officer of the company since 2011. With so many different interests, how does he even manage to toggle between his work and personal life?

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Denis Vincent - Le pilote d'hélicoptère avec un esprit d'affaires

Si vous êtes quelqu'un du secteur d'aviation ou de l'immobilier au Canada, vous avez sans doute  entendue parler de Denis Vincent. Un entrepreneur parmi les plus prolifiques, Denis as parcourue un long chemin depuis s'est début de carrière en 1984.   Pout tous près d'une décennie, il as travailler dans les ventes simplement parce ce qu'il était motiver a commencer sa propre compagnie. Denis as éventuellement trouver sa vocation dans l'aviation et as lancé Heli Vincent Inc., une compagnie qui consiste de ventes et locations d'aéronefs. Plusieurs le reconnaisse en tant que Denis Vincent pilote d'hélicoptère, pour son amour du pilotage. 


Quand il n'est pas a travailler, Denis aime piloter au Canada et au-delà, et en peu de temps as réalisées plusieurs exploits. Denis est un homme discret aux valeurs fortes. Pendant que ses adversaires parle de lui en mal, il préfère maintenir la discrétion. Il aime alterner son temps entre sa famille et le travail et travail avec plusieurs organismes de bienfaisance. Au cours de l'un des rares entretiens, il as déclarer qu'au delà du travail il ne prendre pas un ton sérieux, rajoutant que les controverses l'on jamais embêter. Son équipe se rencontre souvent pour des réunions internes, ainsi que des ateliers pour  discuter de différentes façons de faire et d'aider les entrepreneurs potentiels dans leur projets.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

The Amazing Helicopter Pilot from Canada

Entrepreneurs are best known for making profits. They know the art of spinning more money, and they have the perspicacity to get generate more. That’s true for Denis Vincent, as well, who is also one of the biggest entrepreneurs from Canada. Despite his success in many industries, people often know him as one of the most passionate businessmen for aviation. In fact, he is often called Denis Vincent helicopter pilot, simply because he loves flying. To the world, Denis is the name behind Heli Vincent, which is one of the famed names in Quebec for dry leasing and sales of airplanes and helicopters, but not many know that him as a pilot himself. 

Denis didn’t quite stop with a single company. He is also known as one of the big magnets in real estate in Quebec and beyond, and he has been associated with many mergers and acquisitions. Denis is extensively into other businesses and currently works as the chief financial officer for Strong Arm Labour & Contracting. No wonder, despite the negativity thrown at him by his competitors, he only gets bigger and better, promising more than ever for better things.

Denis Vincent – A businessman with many achievements

Success in business is often equated to profits. However, not all entrepreneurs think alike. One of them is Denis Vincent. One of the most followed and revered businessmen from Canada - Denis has come a long way in the last three decades. Unlike many others, he wasn’t born with the riches. However, he was determined to change his life and of those close to him. In a little over 30 years, Denis has managed to create a profile that speaks beyond numbers. In this post, we will talk about this man and his incredible journey.

Denis started his professional career in 1983 with P.R.C.S. construction insulation. He worked as an administrator for the company and worked there for a year. During this period, he was enamored by the whole idea of starting his own business. Before he could take the leap, he wanted to understand business and its complications better. That’s when he entered the field of sales and aftermarket services. He worked with Moto Bateau for five years for boat and motorcycle sales and learned the tricks of the trade. Later, he moved out and continued to work for auto sales & word wide exportation, especially in regions like Russia and Asia. Denis worked in the same field for close to 10 years, but in between his work, something more magical happened.