Monday, 31 July 2017

Denis Vincent – The Famed Canada Pilot

Denis Vincent is a successful entrepreneur, who has found immense luck in more than half a dozen industries. Besides sales and aviation, he is also involved in real estate and labor contracting. However, many people know him as Denis Vincent Canada Pilot, mainly because of his passion for flying. He is a trained pilot, and as of 2014, he has over 14,000 TT to his credit. Unlike many of the other entrepreneurs, Denis doesn’t have a thing for fancy belongings or cars. Instead, he loves to fly.


In one of his recent interviews, he was asked about his contribution to the aviation sector, and he answered, “I don’t think I have done much beyond what I had expected, but yes, I want to do more. My company is looking forward to expansions and will have further investments. For me, I like to spend my money on flying. When I don’t work, that’s the only thing that makes me special, besides my charity work”. Denis likes to take his friends and colleagues on his journeys, and his escapades are often mentioned on his personal blog. No wonder, people find him quite interesting and worth following, beyond his work and profit numbers.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Denis Vincent - L'homme d'helicoptère

Les entrepreneurs sont souvent connue par les profits qu'ils génèrent. Leur intérêt première sont les chiffres sur le bilan financier, et ils continuent a trouver des façons d'augmenter ces profits. Si vous suivez le monde des affaires au Canada, vous avez sûrement déjà entendue parler de Denis Vincent, qui est un entrepreneur mais connus pour tant d'autres choses. Denis est associé avec un bon nombre d'industries qui inclus les services de main d'œuvre, l'immobilier, et l'aviation, mais beaucoup le connaisse en tant que Denis Vincent le pilot d'hélicoptère. Oui, il est un pilot qualifier, qui as au delà de 14,000 TT a son actif, et ce a partir des données de 2014.


Denis aime beaucoup le secteur d'aviation, et dès un jeune âge voulais devenir un pilot.               Après avoir trouver le succès en ventes, il as commencer a réaliser son rêve et as compléter son entrainement en 1996. Depuis, il as piloter d'un bout du Canada a l'autre et au-delà. Sur plusieurs de ses excursions, il fait profiter ses expériences avec son monde proche en les amenant avec lui et écrit leur aventures dans son blog. Denis jouit d'un popularité incroyable dans les secteur des affaires pour son attitude insouciant. " Je suis conscient que je dépense mon argent sur ma passion, mais tant que j'en fait assez pour mon monde, ca dérange rien." conclue t'il.

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

The man behind Heli Vincent Inc. - Denis Vincent

Helico, or Heli Vincent Inc, is one of the best companies in dry leasing and sales of airplanes and helicopters, and the man behind the venture is a successful entrepreneur – Denis Vincent. He had a flourishing career in sales when he decided to start with this venture. His love for flying inspired him to do more for the industry, and besides getting trained as a helicopter pilot, Denis started Heli Vincent Inc, which stands for its work today. Many people just know him as Denis Vincent Helico.


Just when everyone thought that he had achieved it all, he ventured in the field of real estate. He worked on many mergers and acquisitions, and during this period, his name was included in some controversies. Despite the best efforts of his arch enemies, Denis emerged stronger than ever, and currently, he has some big plans for the industry. When Denis is not working, he is either flying or spending time with family. Of course, he also works for local charities.

Monday, 17 July 2017

Entrepreneur from Quebec - Denis Vincent

Going by facts and numbers, there are many real success stories in the world. Some are full of struggles with a happy ending, while others are more about increasing the expectations. Denis Vincent Quebec is a man with many stories. He is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a helicopter pilot – all at once. Denis started his career on a small note in sales, and he was worked really hard since then. He worked for auto sales and exportation in countries like Asia, and his work is all about passion. Soon after, he started his company, which deals in dry leasing and sales of helicopter and airplanes. Denis is also trained as a chopper pilot and loves flying. Not many people know that this remains his only indulgence.

Denis is known for his incredible passion for business, and he never stopped at one thing. Soon after starting this company in 1997, he ventured into real estate in 2000. He worked on many big projects, before joining Strong Arm Labour & Contracting as the Chief Financial Officer. He is also involved with some of the local charities and likes to share his views with others, as well. Denis is extremely zealous about original business ideas and wants to help new and budding entrepreneurs from time to time. He is also an excellent speaker and has inspired many in every industry. No wonder, he is revered by many as a true businessman with a big heart.

Friday, 14 July 2017

Denis Vincent - The Helicopter Pilot and Entrepreneur

If you are in Canada and follow the news of the business world, you might have heard some great things about Denis Vincent - The Helicopter Pilot. Mr. Vincent is an entrepreneur, but with a difference. Besides being associated with more than six industries, he is also known for his passion for aviation. He is a trained pilot, and flying remains his only indulgence. In fact, when he is not working for ventures or spending time with charities, he is busy flying from coast to coast in the country.

Denis started his journey in sales and worked for a decade in the field, and in between that time, he found the time and energy to start his own company in aviation. Today, Heli Vincent Inc. stands for its work in Quebec and Alberta and focus on dry leasing and sales of aircrafts and choppers. Denis takes an active part in the venture and has been working on many other aspects. He loves to fly in his free time and often takes his friends and colleagues with him. Denis is also an active member of local charities and donates to many causes. When he does not have other commitments, he also helps local startups and companies in their endeavors

Monday, 10 July 2017

Denis Vincent de Calgary - L'entrepreneur avec une différence

Parler des entrepreneurs au Canada les plus reconnues, et beaucoup de gens vous parlerons de Denis Vincent Calgary. Denis est connue pour son travail dans plus d'une demi douzaines d'industries et a travailler avec certaines des principales sociétés a travers des secteurs différents. Il est renommée dans le secteur d'aviation en tant que propriétaire d'Héli Vincent Inc. - Une compagnie qui ce spécialise dans la vente et location d'aéronefs. Denis est un fervent pilot et aime voler d'un bout du pays a l'autre. Depuis 2014, il as au delà de 14,000 TT a son actif. 


Denis est impliqué activement dans les ventes d'autos ainsi que l'immobilier. D'ailleurs, il as trouver beaucoup de succès dans l'immobilier dans l'année 2000, d'où il as travailler avec certaines fusions et acquisitions majeurs. Il continue d'investir dans l'industrie et donne souvent son avis précieux a ses collègues et investisseurs. Cependant, son travail et succès n'est pas définie par seulement de l'argent. Il est aussi impliquer activement dans des organismes de bienfaisances locaux et outre que faire des dons, il aime travailler personnellement dans des causes individuelles, Pas étonnant qu'il est révérer par tant pour son bon travail, et malgré quelques contretemps dans certain secteurs, il a réussi a tailler son créneau.

Monday, 3 July 2017

Entrepreneur Denis Vincent from Canada

Those who follow the business world of Canada,  probably know about Denis Vincent – A man with many stories and diverse interests. When people talk of Denis Vincent Canada, they probably talk about someone who has worked in sales for years or has extensive experience in the real estate sector. However, to his friends and family, he is a passionate entrepreneur. Denis loves to fly – quite literally. He is a trained helicopter and airplane pilot and has over 14,000 TT to his credit.

Owing to his work in the sector, he is often known as Denis Vincent Helico. He is also an active participant in real estate and has been a phenomenal force behind many mergers and acquisitions.  He is also interested in labor contracting and has been working with a known company for five years now. However, despite a significant profile, Denis never takes it easy. He often talks to press about his desire to work for promising startups, as he believes in the power of innovation. With so much behind him, the future possibilities are surely infinite, at least regarding growth and diversification.