Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Denis Vincent - Le pilote d'hélicoptère et l'amateur d'aviation

Parlez de l'industrie de l'aviation au Canada, et vous trouverez le nom de Heli Vincent Inc. sur la liste des artistes les plus performants. Le mérite revient à Denis Vincent, un entrepreneur aux nombreuses ailes. Plusieurs le connaissaient sous le nom de Denis Vincent - Le pilote d'hélicoptère, parce qu'il est entraîné pour cela et qu'il aime voyager d'un océan à l'autre au Canada, chaque fois qu'il trouve du temps. Alors que Denis a commencé sa carrière dans le secteur de la vente automobile, il as rapidement entré dans le monde de l'aviation et il n'y a pas eu de recul depuis. Il croit au pouvoir du travail transparent, et sa compagnie Heli Vincent Inc. suit la même voie, s'occupant de vente et de location d'aéronefs et d'hélicoptères avec des clients partout au Canada. Denis, qui est également impliqué dans des contrats de main-d'œuvre spécialiser ainsi que l'immobilier, partage son temps entre différents projets.


Denis a exprimé son intérêt à travailler davantage pour le secteur de l'aviation, et il croit que Heli Vincent Inc. peut faire avancer les choses. La société a conclu des accords avec de nombreux grands noms et sociétés dans des secteurs variés, et Denis a été un moteur important pour chacun d'entre eux. Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur Heli Vincent Inc., veuillez consulter leur site officiel.

Monday, 15 January 2018

Denis Vincent du Québec - Voici son histoire

Denis Vincent est un entrepreneur canadien, mais contrairement a certains de ses pairs et collègues, il croit au profit pour tous. Après avoir commencé sa carrière dans la vente d'automobiles, il a réaliser sa passion pour le secteur d'aviation et, en 1996, il a suivi une formation de pilote d'hélicoptère et d'aéronef, ce qui était sa passion depuis un jeune âge. En 1997, il a lancé son entreprise - Heli Vincent Inc., une société qui s'occupe exclusivement de location et de vente d'avions et d'hélicoptères. Denis est entré dans le monde de l'immobilier en 2000 et, depuis lors, a été un chef de file dans de nombreuses fusions et acquisitions. Il aime aussi conseiller et travailler avec de nouvelles entreprises et entrepreneurs.

En plus de Heli Vincent Inc., Denis est également impliquer dans Strong Arm Contracting en tant que directeur financier depuis 2011. Lorsqu'il n'est pas occuper par ses engagements, il travaille avec des organisations caritatives et des organisations ayant des causes sociales différentes. Sous sa direction, son entreprises a travaillé pour diverses causes pertinents, et il est directement impliqué avec beaucoup d'entre eux. Pour en savoir plus sur Denis Vincent du Québec, consultez son profil Linkedin. Vous pouvez également consulter certains de ses sites officiels. 

Denis Vincent From Quebec – Here’s his story

Denis Vincent is a Canadian entrepreneur, but unlike some of his peers and colleagues, he believes in profits for all. After starting his career in auto sales, he realized his passion for the aviation sector, and in 1996, he got trained as a helicopter and aircraft pilot, which was his passion since his early years. In the year 1997, he launched his venture - Heli Vincent Inc., a company that deals exclusively in dry leasing and sales of airplanes and helicopters. Denis further stepped into the world of real estate in 2000, and since then, he has been a leading name for many mergers and acquisitions. He also likes to advice and work with new startups and budding entrepreneurs. 


Apart from Heli Vincent Inc., Denis is also involved with Strong Arm Contracting as their chief financial officer since 2011. When it is not busy with his commitments, he is working with charities and organizations with different social causes. Under his guidance, his company has worked for varied relevant causes, and he is directly involved with many of them. To know more on Denis Vincent from Quebec, check his LinkedIn profile. You can also check some of his official websites.

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Denis Vincent from Canada - Knowing the Entrepreneur

Canadian entrepreneur Denis Vincent has come a long way since he started his career in the 1980s. For close to a decade, he worked in the field of auto sales and remained a key player in his team for global sales and aftermarket services. Soon after, Denis Vincent From Canada started work in the aviation sector and got trained as a pilot. He is also the founder and president of Heli Vincent Inc – a company that has been around for close to 21 years and deals in sales and dry leases of planes and helicopters. In 2000, Denis started working in the world of real estate, where he has managed to push some of the biggest mergers and acquisitions. In fact, many of his enemies and rivals tried to defame his work, but Denis remained consistent in his efforts.


He is also currently associated with Strong Arm Labour & Contracting as their Chief Financial Officer for more than six years. Denis is also fond of working for charities and likes to be a part of local events and fundraisers, anonymously. It is easy to understand why he is revered by his peers, colleagues and rivals alike, because he refuses to budge to failure. 

Monday, 1 January 2018

Denis Vincent – The entrepreneur who’s also a helicopter pilot!

Who is Denis Vincent? Is he an entrepreneur who specializes in strategic planning? Or is he a pilot who has flown coast to coast in Canada and beyond? Well, it seems he is a mix of both. Canadian entrepreneur Denis Vincent started his career in 1983, and since then, this man has found his passion in more than half a dozen industries. Many people often call him - Denis Vincent – The Helicopter Pilot, mainly because of his love for flying. He got trained in the year 1996, and since then, it has remained his only indulgence to date. Mr. Vincent has also been in charge of 2 transatlantic flights and has taken a mono motor flight from Quebec to Madagascar. His passion for aviation is also apparent from the fact that he has dedicated his time to his company – Heli Vincent Inc. – which deals in dry leasing and sales of aircrafts and helicopters. A subsidiary of the company – Coast to Coast, recently inked a deal to supply Helico to Rockies Heli.

Apart from his professional commitments, Mr. Vincent is also engaged in charities, and many of his companies and associates contribute to fundraisers from time to time in different capacities.